Before we start, consider the following sites that also deal with the Kaffraria Germans:
Also, if you have specific questions on Kaffraria Germans, or would like to find literature on the topic, you can contact Stephanie Victor who is the Curator of History at the Amathole Museum in King Williams Town.
Kaffraria was once a British Crown Colony in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. The larger centres in this area are East London and King Williams Town. The main indication remaining today of German influence in this area is the presence of quite a few German place names, such as Berlin, Potsdam, Frankfurt, Stutterheim and Braunschweig. But unlike most other areas of German setlement, little German is spoken in this area nowadays.
The Kaffraria Germans are actually members of three very different groups that settled in Kaffraria in the 19th Century:
Nolene Lossau's database is now available on this website.
Visit the following link for more information on the soldiers of the German legion that settled in Kaffraria and read about the contributions the soldiers made to the development of the area.
Most settlers came from Pomerania, the 'Uckermark' and the 'Wendland' - refer to the Ship's passenger lists for more details. Most of them had been poor peasants in Germany and were not accustomed to running their own farms. They were settled among the mercenaries of the Crimean Legion, mostly in remote areas. The farms allocated to them were consistently of very poor quality so that it was impossible to survive by farming alone. To survive, the German settlers were therefore forced to work for English farmers in the more fertile regions or to find jobs in the main centres.
In the long run, these colonists were the only Germans to remain in Kaffraria as they simply lacked the resources to start over again in another area. They remained poor and were generally despised by the more successful British settlers.
Another group of settlers was brought to the Cape in 1877. Only a small portion of this group ended up settling in the Eastern Cape - most settlers, including the Philippi Germans, preferred to settle in or around Cape Town.
This new goup was allocated land closer to East London (in Oberkwelaha, Brackfontein and Lilyfontein). They seem to have been more highly educated and experienced farmers than the first group. Many quickly realised that the land allocated to them - though better than the first group had received - was inadequate. They subsequently left their farms and settled in the local towns or other areas of South Africa.
This section briefly discusses the problems encountered by the Kaffraria Germans and discusses possible causes of why they disappeared as a distinct group.
Denominational Problems
In contrast to all other German settlements in South Africa, the Kaffraria Germans were not a uniformly Lutheran group. The German Baptist church seems to have had a fair amount of support even before the Germans settled in Kaffraria. Very soon tensions developed between the Lutherans and the Baptists. The Lutheran Church of Hannover did supply pastors for the Germans in the Eastern Cape, but there were never enough of them to go around. For the Baptists this was not such an issue, as laymen could much more easily take over when there was a lack of clergy. On top of this, they received support from the local English Baptist community. This denominational split reduced the chances of a separate German community surviving for long.
Language Problems
For a minority to keep its separate language it needs an adequate number of schools. But there also needs to be the desire and the means of keeping up a separate identity and language.
Both these factors seem to have been lacking in Kaffraria from very early on:
The will to keep German going as a separate language seems to have been lacking among the Kaffraria Germans. Many of the colonists spoke Low German dialects as their home language. Rather than battling with High German, they tended to adopt English as their second language to facilitate communication in the local market towns. Also, the close contact between German and English Baptists helped this development along.
The schools had been founded and run by mercenaries, but once they had left Kaffraria, there was no-one except for the pastors and their off-spring with a sufficient level of education to keep the schools running. Furthermore, the Germans tended to be quite poor, and could hardly afford to keep the schools going. The final blow for the German schools came during the time of the World Wars. In a predominantly English area, the Germans avoided using their language in public. All German schools were taken over by the state in 1910 and German was no longer taught. Only two German schools remained: one in East London and one in King Williams Town. The German school in King Williams Town was closed during the First World War and the one in East London during the Second. A German primary school was opened again at a later stage in East London but has since closed again.
The Final Blow
The implementation of the Group Areas Act during the Apartheid era, was the final blow for a separate German community in the Eastern Cape. To reduce contact between race groups in South Africa, every group was given its own separate piece of land. While the Eurpoeans received by far the most and the best land, they did lose some areas to other groups. One such area was that part of the Eastern Cape which later became the Ciskei. As this was where the first two groups of Germans had been settled, their land was expropriated by the government. All remaining Germans had to move down into the main towns, and as a result, a separate German community in the Eastern Cape ceased to exist.
The information supplied here was largely taken from the article "Die Kaffrariadeutschen", written by Rolf GrĂ¼ner for the Special edition of 'Lantern' published in February 1992.