Contact List for German Genealogy in South Africa and Namibia

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This page lists surnames and/or areas of interest to particular researchers working on descendents of German immigrants to Southern Africa. The idea is that the contact details will allow others with similar interests to contact these (mostly non-professional) researchers. If you would like to have your details added to this page, please send me an email.

Also consult similar but less specific contact lists and scan the relevant forums/mailing lists/news groups related to South African genealogy.

Now for the contacts for German Genealogy in Southern Africa:

  1. Western Cape (Cape Province)
  2. Eastern Cape (Border, Kaffraria)
  3. KwaZulu-Natal (Natal, Zululand)
  4. Free State (Orange Free State)
    • JURGENS, ECKSTEIN, von LEITAS; Grace Jurgens, ZA
    • POTTAS / POTAS / POTHAS / POTHARST (Johann Simon), HEYMANN (Franz Gustav Johannes & Helena Lydia Johanna & Pauline Luise Adelheid), KÜHL (Robert Theodor Friedrich), PROZESKY (Johann Carl), NIEMANN (Maria), SCHMIDT (Ferdinand August); Johan J. Pottas, ZA
  5. Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Northwest and Limpopo (Transvaal)
  6. General - entire South Africa
  7. Namibia
  8. Beyond Africa
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